Kim, Areum (A.R.Kim)
- Education
Since 2016 : B.S. Course, Department of Material science engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
2019 Winter, 2020 Spring : GIST internship
- Publication
Y.H.Kim, A.R.Kim, G. Zhao, S.Y.Choi, S.C.Kang, S.K.Lim, K.E.Lee, J.C.Park, B.H.Lee, M.G.Hahm, D.H.Kim, J.J.Yun, K.H.Lee, B.J.Cho , "Wafer-Scale Integration of Highly Uniform and Scalable MoS2 Transistors," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9(42), pp
A.R.Kim, S.Y.Kim and B.H.Lee*, "The study of the operation mechanism for ZnO-based ternary device through electrical analysis", NANO KOREA, (2020).S.Y.Kim, K.Kim, A.R.Kim, H.I.Lee, Y.S.Lee, S.M.Kim, H.W.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.