Kim, Byeong-Hyeok (B.H.Kim)

Post Doctor 2022-2023


Current affiliation
2023- GIST 중앙기기연구소

2022-present : Post-doctoral Fellowship, Center for Semiconductor Technology Convergence (CSTC), POSTECH

2018-2021 : Post-doctoral Fellowship, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute(ARTI), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)

2010-2018 : Ph. D. Course, Dept. of NBME, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

2008-2010 : M.S. Course, Dept. of Physics, Jeonbuk National University

2004-2008 : B.S. Course, Dept. of Physics education, Jeonbuk National University

Research Interest

Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Oxide-based Optoelectronic Devices

2D-Oxide Optoelectronic Materials