Hwang, Hyeon Jun (H.J.Hwang)

Research professor 2024

Current affiliation
2024 - present. Mokpo National University, Professor

since 2009 :   Integrated course, Dept. of MSE, GIST

2005 – 2009 :   B.S., Dept. of MSE, Chonnam National University

Research Interest

Device integration and NEM switch modeling

Electrical characterization

Graphene-Ferroelectric material device fabrication

Graphene-Piezoelectric material device fabrication

Graphene-ZnO barristor device fabrication



39 S.Y.Kim, K.Y.Kim, A.R Kim, H.I.Lee, Y.S. Lee, S.M.Kim, H.W.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.H. Lee*, "Operation principles of ZnO/Al2O3-AlDMP/ZnO channel ternary thin film transistor," Submitted to Advanced Electronic Materials (2021).

38 S.M.Kim, H.I.Lee, Y.S.Lee, S.Y.Kim, T.J. Yoo, S.W.Heo, S.C.Kang, H.J.Hwang, B.H.Lee*, "Non-destructive Analysis of physical defects in a graphene channel using Amplitude Modulated Discharge Current," Submitted to Carbon (2021).

37 T.J.Yoo, H.J.Hwang, S.C.Kang, S.W.Heo, H.I.Lee, Y.G.Lee, H.K.Park, S.K.Lee and B.H. Lee*, "Direct defect level analysis for Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitor using Internal Photoemission Spectroscopy," In revision, J. of EDS (2021).

36 T.J.Yoo, S.Y.Kim, M.G.Kwon, C.H.Kim, K.E.Chang, H.J.Hwang and B.H. Lee*, "A facile method to improve the detectivity of graphene/p-type silicon heterojunction photodetector," In revision, Laser and Photonics Reviews (2021).

35 H.J. Hwang, S.K. Lee, S.M. Kim, B.H. Lee*, " Direct measurement of transient charging and dipole alignment speed in Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 gate dielectric using graphene FETs," in press, Advanced Electronic Materials (2021)

34 S.Y.Kim, J.A.Yoo, H.J. Hwang and B.H. Lee*, "Demonstration of programmable ternary graphene field-effect transistor using ferroelectric polymer doping," In press, Organic Electronics (2021).

33 C.H.Kim, T.J.Yoo, K.E.Chang, M.G.Kwon, H.J.Hwang, and B.H.Lee*, "Highly Responsive Near-Infrared Photodetector with Low Dark Current using Graphene/Germanium Schottky Junction with Al2O3 Interfacial Layer," on-line published, Nanophotonics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2021-0002

32 S.C.Kang, S.K.Lee, S.M.Kim, H.J.Hwang, and B.H. Lee*, "Quantitative defect density extraction method for Metal–Insulator–Metal Capacitor," Semiconductor Science and Technology 35(11), p.115025 (2020).

31 S.Y.Kim, J.A. Ryou, M.J. Kim, K.Y.Kim, Y.S.Lee, S.M.Kim. H.J.Hwang, Y.H.Kim, B.H.Lee*, "Performance degradation in graphene-ZnO barristors due to graphene edge contact," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12(25), pp.28768-28774 (2020).

30 S.C.Kang, S.Y.Kim, S.K.Lee, K.Y.Kim, B. Allouche, H.J.Hwang, and B.H. Lee*, "Channel defect profiling and passivation for ZnO thin film transistors," Nanomaterials 10(6), pp.1-8 (2020).

29 B. Allouche, H.J. Hwang, T.J. Yoo and B.H. Lee*, "Negative electrocaloric effect in antiferroelectric zirconium dioxide thin film,” Nanoscale 12(6), pp. 3894-3901(2020)

28 S.K. Lee, Y.J. Kim, S. Heo, W. Park, T.J. Yoo, C. Cho, H.J. Hwang, and B.H. Lee*, " Advantages of a buried-gate structure for graphene field-effect transistor ,” Semiconductor Science and Technology 34, p.055010 (2019).

27 S.Y. Kim, J.W. Hwang, Y.J. Kim, H.J. Hwang, M.W. Son, N. Revannanth, M.H.Ham, K.J. Cho, B.H. Lee*, “ Threshold Voltage Modulation of Graphene-ZnO Barristor Using a Polymer Doping Process,” Advanced Electronic Materials, 5(7), 1800805, (2019).

26 H.J. Hwang, S.Y. Kim, S.C. Kang, B. Allouche, B.H. Lee *, “ Piezoelectrically modulated touch pressure sensor using a graphene barristor,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.58(SB), SBBH03(2019).

25 S.Y.Kim, M.B. Kim, H.J.Hwang, B. Allouche, B.H.Lee *, “ Chemically doped graphene based ternary field effect transistors,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.  58(SB), SBBH04 (2019).

24 H.J. Hwang, Y.S. Lee, C. Cho, B.H. Lee*, “ Facile process to remove PMMA residue after graphene transfer,” AIP Advances 8(10), p.105326(2018).

23 H.J.Hwang, S. Heo, W.B.Yoo, B.H.Lee*, “Electrical performance of graphene-ZnO:N barristor on a flexible polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) film," AIP Advances 8, pp.015022 (2018).

22 T.J.Yoo, Y.J.Kim, S.K.Lee, C.G.Kang, K.E.Chang, H.J.Hwang, N. Revannath, B.H.Lee*, "Zero-bias operation of CVD graphene photodetector with asymmetric metal contacts," ACS Photonics 5(2), 365-370(2018).

21 C.Cho, S.K Lee, TJ.Yoo, S.W.Heo, H.J.Hwang, C.G.Kang, M.H.Ham, B.H.Lee*, “Pulsed KrF laser assisted direct deposition of graphitic capping layer for Cu interconnect,” Carbon 123, pp. 307-310(2017).

20 H.J. Hwang, K.E. Chang, W.B.Yoo, C.H.Shim, S.K.Lee, J.H. Yang, S.Y. Kim, Y.S. Lee, C. Cho, B.H. Lee*, “Graphene barristor using nitrogen profile controlled ZnO Schottky contacts," Nanoscale  9, p.2442 (2017).

19 C.Cho, S.K.Lee, J.Noh, W.Park  S.C.Lee, Y.G.Lee, H.J.Hwang, M.Ham, B.H.Lee*, "Contact resistance improvement by the modulation of area to peripheral length ratio of graphene contact pattern," Applied Physics Letters, 106(21), p.213107 (2015).

18 J.H.Yang,H.J. Hwang, S.C. Kang, and B.H. Lee*, "Sensitivity improvement of graphene/Al2O3/PVDF-TrFE stacked touch device through Al seed assisted dielectric scaling,"  Microelectronics Engineering, 147, p.79-84 (2015).

17 서광하, 황현준, 양진호, 유지애, 이병훈, "Electrostatic force microscopy를 이용한 PVDF-TrFE/Graphene/ZnO:N Barristor 소자연구", The Korean Society of Semiconductor & Display Technology(KSDT), (2015)

16 U.Jung, Y.G.Lee, C.G.Kang, S.C.Lee, J.J.Kim, H.J.Hwang, S.K.Lim, M.H.Ham, B.H.Lee*, “Quantitatively estimating defects in graphene devices using discharge current analysis method," Scientific Reports 4, 4886 (2014).

15 Y.G.Lee, C.G.Kang, C.Cho, Y.H.Kim, H.J.Hwang, B.H.Lee*, “Quantitative analysis of hysteretic reactions at the interface of graphene and SiO2 using short pulse I-V method,” Carbon, 60, p.453-460 (2013).

14 H.J. Hwang, J.H. Yang, S.C.Kang, C. Cho, C.G. Kang, Y.G. Lee, B.H.Lee*, “Novel Multi-bit Memory Device Using Metal/PVDF-TrFE/Graphene Stack,” Microelectronics Engineering, 109, p.87-89, Sep. (2013).

13 C.Cho, Y.G.Lee, U.Jung, C.G.Kang, S.K.Lim, H.J.Hwang, H.J.Choi, B.H.Lee*, “Correlation between the hysteresis and the initial defect density of graphene,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, p.083110, Aug. (2013).

12 W.Park, J.H.Yang, C.G.Kang, Y.G.Lee, H.J.Hwang, C.Cho, S.K.Lim, S.C.Kang, W.-K Hong, S.K.Lee, S.Lee, and B.H.Lee*, "Characteristics of pressure sensitive touch sensor using piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE/MoS2 stack,” Nanotechnology, 24, 475501 (2013).

11 H.J. Hwang, J.H.Yang, Y.G.Lee, C.Cho, C.G.Kang, S.C.Kang, W.Park, and B.H.Lee*, “Ferroelectric Polymer Gated Graphene Memory with Very High Speed Conductivity Modulation,” Nanotechnology, 24, on-line published (2013). Also selected as a paper of particular interest.

10 Y.G.Lee, Y.J.Kim, C.G.Kang, C.Cho, H.J.Hwang, U.J. Jung, B.H.Lee*, "Influences of extrinsic factors on the accuracy of mobility extraction for graphene MOSFETs," Appl. Phys. Lett. 102(9), 093121 (2013).

9 C.G.Kang, S.K.Lim, S.C.Lee, S.K.Lee,C.Cho, Y.G.Lee, H.J.Hwang, Y.H. Kim, H.J.Choi, S.H.Choe, M.H.Ham and B.H.Lee*, “Effects of Multi-Layer Graphene Capping on Cu interconnects," Nanotechnology, 24, 115707, (2013). , Also selected as article of particular interest.

8 C.G.Kang, Y.G.Lee, S.K.Lee, E.J,Park, C.Cho, S.K.Lim, H.J.Hwang,H.J.Chung, S.Seo, B.H.Lee*, "Mechanism of the effects of low temperature Al2O3 passivation on graphene field effect transistors", Carbon, 53, p.182-187 (2013).

7 S.Cimino, A. Padovani, L. Larcher, V.V. Afanas’ev, H.J. Hwang, Y.G. Lee, M. Jurczac, D. Wouters,B.H. Lee, H. Hwang, L. Pantisano, "A study of the leakage current in TiN/HfO2/TiN capacitors ," Microelectronic Engineering, v.95, p.71-73, Jul. 2012.

6 B.H.Lee, Y.G.Lee, U.J.Jung, Y.H.Kim, H.J. Hwang, J.J. Kim, C.G.Kang, "Issues with the Electrical Characterization of Graphene Devices," Carbon Letters, Vol. 13(1), Jan. 2012. (Invited)

5 C.G.Kang, S.K.Lee, Y.G.Lee, H.J.Hwang, C.H.Cho, S.K.Lim, J.S.Heo, H.J.Chung, S.Seo, B.H.Lee*, "Enhanced Current Drivability of CVD Graphene Interconnect in Oxygen-Deficient Environment," IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. 32(11), p.1591, Sep. 2011.

4 H.J.Hwang, C.H.Cho, S.K.Lim, S.Y.Lee, C.G.Kang, H.Hwang, B.H.Lee*, “Electrical Characteristics of Wrinkle-Free Graphene Formed by Laser Graphitization of 4H-SiC,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 082111 2011., Also, published in Virtual J. of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 24(11), Sep. 2011.

3 C. G. Kang, J.W. Kang, S.K. Lee, S.Y. Lee, C.H. Cho, H.J. Hwang, Y.G. Lee, J. Heo, H.-J. Chung, H. Yang, S. Seo, S.-J. Park, K.Y. Ko, J. Ahn and B.H. Lee*, "Characteristics of CVD graphene nanoribbon formed by a ZnO nanowire hardmask,” Nanotechnology, 22, p.295201, May. 2011.

2 Y.G. Lee, C.G. Kang, U.J. Jung, J.J. Kim, H.J. Hwang, H.J. Jeong, S. Seo, R. Choi, B.H. Lee*, “Fast transient charging at the graphene/SiO2 interface causing hysteretic device characteristics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 183508, 2011. Also, published in Virtual J. of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 23(20), May 23, 2011.

1 B.H.Lee, H.J.Hwang, C.H.Cho, S.K.Lim, S.Y.Lee, and H.Hwang, "Nano-Electromechanical Switch-CMOS Hybrid Technology and Its Applications, " J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 1, p.256-261, Jan. 2011.


국제 79 Y.S.Lee, S.M.Kim, H.I.Lee, S.Y.Kim, C.H.Kim, H.J.Hwang, and B.H.Lee*, "Low Temperature and Parameter Controllable ZnO-DNTT Antiambipolar Transistor and Its Ternary Application" Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2020).

국제 78 S.Y.Kim, S.R.Lee, S.M.Kim, Y.S.Lee, H.I.Lee, H.W.Lee, K.Kim, H.J.Hwang, and B.H.Lee*, "A study on the electrical characteristic of ultra-thin oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor" Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2020).

국제 77 S.M.Kim, H.I.Lee, S.Y.Kim, Y.S.Lee, H.J.Hwang, and B.H.Lee*, "A Study on the Degradation Mechanism of Vertical Stacked ZnO TFT" Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2020).

국제 76 C.H.Kim, T.J.Yoo, M.G.Kwon, Y.S.Lee, H.J.Hwang, and B.H.Lee*, "Improving the Responsivity of Graphene/Ge Schottky Junction Infrared Photodetector via Impact Ionization" Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2020).

국제 75 H.I.Lee, Y.S.Lee, S.M.Kim, S.Y.Kim, H.J.Hwang, and B.H.Lee*, "Demonstration of frequency doubler using ZnO-DNTT antiambipolar transistor with high peak-to-valley ratio (>106)," Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2020).

국제 74 H.W.Lee, S.Y.Kim, S.M.Kim, H.I.Lee, Y.S.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.H.Lee*, "A study on the atomic layer deposited tin oxide channel for thin film transistor", NANO KOREA, (2020).

국제 73 Y.S.Lee, H.J.Kwon, H.I.Lee, S.Y.Kim, S.M.Kim, K.Kim, H.W.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.H.Lee*, "Electrical performance of p-type ternary logic device and its circuit application", NANO KOREA, (2020).

국제 72 C.H.Kim, T.J.Yoo, M.G.Kwon, Y.S.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.H.Lee*, "Graphene/Ge Schottky junction infrared photodetector with embedded MOS system", NANO KOREA, (2020) Best poster award.

국제 71 S.Y.Kim, K.Kim, A.R.Kim, H.I.Lee, Y.S.Lee, S.M.Kim, H.W.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.H.Lee*, "Electrical performance of stack channel ternary logic device depending on the carrier concentration of ZnO", NANO KOREA, (2020).

국제 70 H.J.Kwon, Y.S.Lee, H.J.Hwang and B.H.Lee*, "Effect of introducing polymer buffer layers on the p-type DNTT transistors", NANO KOREA, (2020).

국제 69 M.H.Nguyen, S.M.Kim, H.J.Hwang and B.H.Lee*, "A study of enhancement electrical properties of high-k dielectric grown at low temperature", NANO KOREA, (2020).

국내 68 유태진, 김소영, 김시현, 권민규, 황현준, 이병훈, "화학적 도핑 방법을 이용한 그래핀/p-Si 쇼트키 접합 조절 연구", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 67 이용수, 김채은, 김소영, 김시현, 이호인, 김승모, 김기영, 황현준, 이병훈, "삼진상보보완회로를 위한 그래핀 기반의 P-type 삼진 로직 소자", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 66 김소영, 김소륜, 이호인, 이용수, 김기영, 이해원, 김채은, 황현준, 이병훈, "ZnO 기반 삼진 로직 소자의 중간 전류 레벨 조절 연구", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 65 김승모, 김소영, 이호인, 이용수, 유태진, 김시현, 황현준, 이병훈, "화학적 토핑 방법을 이용한 그래핀 일함수 조율의 전기적 특성 분석", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 64 권민규, 유태진, 김시현, 황현준, 이병훈, "Contact Metalontact Metal에 따른 WS2 광검출기의 암전류 감소에 관한 연구", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 63 황현준, 김소영, 이상경, 이병훈, "화학적 도핑에 따른 대면적 그래핀 열전 소자 특성 분석", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 62 이호인, 김소영, 김승모, 이용수, 황현준, 이병훈, "Implementation of pseudo n-type ternary analog to digital converter using ZnO nanosheet stack channel field-effect-transistor", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국내 61 김시현, 유태진, 권민규, 이용수, 김승모, 황현준, 이병훈, "MOS 커패시터가 내장된 그래핀/Ge 쇼트키 접합 광소자", The 27th Korean Conference of Semiconductors (KCS), (2020)

국제 60 S.Y.Kim, Y.Lee, C.Kim, H.I.Lee, K.Kim, H.J.Hwang, B.H.Lee, "Dual Channel Ternary Graphene Barristor with Tunable Schottky Barrier Height controlled by Chemical Doping", 50th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specilaists Conference (SISC), (2019)

국제 59 T.J.Yoo, S.Y.Kim, C.Kim, M.G.Kwon, K.E.Chang, H.J.Hwang, B.H.Lee, "Dark current reduction for the chemically doped graphene/p-Si Schottky photodetector", 50th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specilaists Conference (SISC), (2019)

국내 58 유태진, 이용수, 이상경, 황현준, 이병훈, "CVD 그래핀의 성장시간에 따른 전기적 특성 변화", The 26th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2019)

국내 57 김기영, 허선우, 이호인, 김승모, 김채은, 이린, 황현준, 성명모, 이병훈, "회로 설계 관전에서의 삼진 논리 소자 최적화 방향 제시", Nano Convergence Conference (NCC), (2019)

국제 56 B.H.Lee, Y.J.Kim. T.J.Yoo, S.Y.Kim, H.J.Hwang, S.K.Lee, "Electronic device applications of graphene for future semiconductor technology," Graphene 2018, Dresden, Germany (2018). Invited

국내 55 황현준, 이병훈, "Application of Graphene-ZnO:N barristor with high on/off ratio", Nano Convergence Conference (NCC), (2018)

국내 54 이상경, 황현준, 황진하, 이병훈, "Roll-to-plate 기반 양산형 고품질 CVD 그래핀 전사 공정 연구", Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2017)

국내 53 허선우, 김윤지, 이선규, 노진우, 황현준, 이병훈, "그래핀-ZnO:N 배리스터의 Compact model 설계와 응용", The Korean Society of Semiconductor & Display Technology(KSDT), (2017).

국내 52 이상경, 황현준, 유태진, 이병훈, "Commercialization of high quality CVD graphene using Roll-to-plate based transfer in vacuum", NANO Convergence Conference (2017).

국내 51 김소영, 김윤지, 황현준, 허선우, 한경주, 이선규, 이혜지, 이병훈, "Threshold voltage control of chemically doped graphene barristor", NANO Convergence Conference (2017).

국내 50 김소영, 김윤지, 심창후, 허선우, 황현준, 한경주, 이선규, 이병훈, "화학적 도핑을 이용한 그래핀 - ZnO:N 배리스터의 문턱전압 조절", The 24th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), 2017, Best poster award.

국내 49 이용수, 황현준, 노진우, 김승모, 유지애, 이병훈, "다층그래핀을 이용한 재구성형 나노스케일 기계적 스위치", The 24th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), 2017

국제 48 K.H. Seo, J.H. Yang, J.A. Yoo, H.J. Hwang, K.E. Chang, C.H. Shim, S.K. Lee, C. Cho, Y.J. Kim, and B.H.Lee, "Barrier height reconfiguration of graphene/ZnO:N barristor using Ferroelectric polymer", IEEE IPFA, (2016) , Best poster award.

국내 47 이용수, 황현준, 최준규, 박성준, 이병훈, “Fabrication and characterization of graphene/In2O3 barristor”, The 3nd Korean Graphene Symposium, (2016)

국내 46 서광하, 황현준, 양진호, 유지애, 이병훈, "Schottky barrier height modulation of ferroelectric polymer gated graphene/ZnO:N barristor using Electrostatic Force Microscopy", 23rd Korean Conference on Semiconductors(KCS), 2016

국내 45 김소영, 김윤지, 이상경, 황현준, 허선우, 장경은, 조천흠, 이병훈, "질소도핑된 ZnO를 이용한 그래핀 FET의 On-Off 특성 향상", 23rd Korean Conference on Semiconductors(KCS), 2016, Best poster award.

국제 44 K.E.Chang. J.Jung, T.J. Yoo, H.J. Hwang, W.B. Yoo, Y.J. Kim, S.K.Lee, and B.H.Lee, "Gate tunable high photo responsivity due to the unique photo carrier transfer mechanism at graphene/Si interface", SISC (2015)

국제 43 H.J. Hwang, W.B. You, K.E. Chang, C.H Shim, C. Cho, J.H. Yang, Y.J. Kim, S.K. Lim, W.Park, and B.H. Lee, "Graphene barristor with nitrogen doped ZnO for high on/off ratio and wide barrier height modulation", SISC, (2015)

국제 42 K.E. Chang, H.J. Hwang, W.B. Yoo, T. J. Yoo, and B.H. Lee, "High responsivity Graphene/Si photodetector with a transparent ZnO top gate electrode", IUMRS, (2015)

국내 41 서광하, 황현준, 양진호, 유지애, 이병훈, "Electrostatic force microscopy를 이용한 PVDF-TrFE/Graphene/ZnO:N Barristor 소자연구", The Korean Society of Semiconductor & Display Technology(KSDT), (2015)

국제 40

H.J. Hwang, K.E. Chang, W.B. You, C.H Shim, S.K. Lee, J.H. Yang, C. Cho, S.K. Lim, W. Park, J. Kim, B.H. Lee, "Barrier height modulation at Graphene-ZnO contact using nitrogen doping", Nano Korea, (2015)

국내 39 황현준, 유원범, 장경은, 심창후, 이상경, 양진호, 조천흠, 김윤지, 이병훈, "Nitrogen doping에 따른 Graphene/ZnO:N 접합의 전기적 특성 변화 분석",  Materials Research Society of Korea(MRS-K), 2015, Best presentation award.

국내 38 유원범, 장경은, 박우진, 심창후, 양진호, 황현준, 김현구, 이한보람, 이병훈, "그래핀과 실리콘의 접합계면에 TiO2 interlayer를 적용한 barristor소자의 전기적 특성 평가",  Materials Research Society of Korea(MRS-K), 2015, Best poster award.

국제 37 H.J.Hwang, J.Kim, B.H.Lee, “Extreamely high speed modulation of graphene conductance using Ferroelectric polarization,” AVS Texas Chapter Conference, (2014).

국제 36 Y.G.Lee, L.Cheng, Y.Kim, G.Mordi, H.J.Hwang, A.Lucero, B.H.Lee, J.Kim, “Development of Low-k Dielectric for Graphene Device”, AVS 61st International Symposium, (2014).

국제 35 C.Cho, S.K.Lee, S.Lee, Y.G.Lee, W.Park, J.Noh, H.J.Hwang, B.H.Lee, “Contact Resistance Modulation using Area to Peripheral Ratio of Graphene Contact", Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2014).

국제 34 J.H.Yang, H.J.Hwang, H.N.Choi, B.H.Lee, “The Shear Effect Induced Enhancement of Piezoelectric Property of PVDF-TrFE Thin Films", Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2014).

국제 33 J.H.Yang, H.J.Hwang, S.C.Kang, W.Park, B.H.Lee, “Stable conductivity modulation of graphene using graphene/Al2O3/metal/piezoelectric polymer/metal stack", Nano Korea, (2014).

국제 32 J.H. Yang, H.J. Hwang, W.J. Park, S.C. Kang, B.H. Lee, “The modulation of graphene conductivity using piezoelectric polymer and its application to touch devices”, 2013 Joint Symposium on MSE for 21C, 2013

국제 31 B.H. Lee, H.J.Hwang, J.H.Yang, S.C.Kang, W.J.Park, “Electronic Applications of Graphene/PVDF-TrFE stack”, UKC, (2013), invited.

국제 30 H.J. Hwang, J.H. Yang, S.C. Kang, C. Cho, C.G.Kang, Y.G. Lee, B.H. Lee, “Novel Multi-bit Memory Device Using Metal/PVDF-TrFE/Graphene Stack," INFOS, (2013).

국내 29 강창구, 임성관, 이상철, 이상경, 조천흠, 이영곤, 황현준, 김용훈, 최호준, 최선희, 이병훈, “반도체 배선으로서의 그래핀의 응용”, 20th Korean Conference on Semiconductors(KCS), (2013). Best paper award

국내 28 조천흠, 임성관, 황현준, 강창구, 이영곤, 신희성, 최호준, 황현상, 이병훈, “Properties of Graphene Fabricated using Pulsed Laser Graphitization of Si-face 4H-SiC Substrate”, 20th Korean Conference on Semiconductors(KCS), (2013).

국내 27 강수철, 양진호, 황현준, 이병훈, “Enhancement Ferroelectric properties of PVDF-TrFE on graphene electrode”, 20th Korean Conference on Semiconductors(KCS), 2(2013).

국제 26 S.C.Kang, J.H.Yang, E.J.Paek, H.J.Hwang, B.H.Lee, “Optimization of Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) film to Maximize the remanent polarization”, Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE), (2012).

국제 25 H.S. Shin, H.J. Hwang, J. Noh, Y.G. Lee, C. Cho, S.K. Lim and B.H. Lee “Fabrication of suspended graphene cantilever using top down process,” Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE),  (2012).

국제 24 J.H. Yang, E.J. Paek, H.J. Hwang, S.C. Kang, B.H. Lee "Piezoelectric characteristics of Au/PVDF-TrFE/Au device", NanoKorea, (2012).

국제 23 Y.G. Lee, C.G. Kang, C. Cho, Y.H. Kim, H.J. Hwang, J.J.Kim, U.J. Jung, E.J.Park, M.W.Kim, B.H. Lee, "Mechanisms of Ambient Dependent Mobility Degradation in the Graphene MOSFETs on SiO2 Substrate," Silicon Nanoworkshop (SNW), (2012).

국제 22 H.J. Hwang, E.J. Paek, J.H. Yang, C.G.Kang, B.H. Lee, "Characteristics of Metal/Ferroelectric(PVDF-TrFE)/Graphene (MFG) Device", Silicon Nanoworkshop (SNW), (2012).

국제 21 B.H.Lee, H.J.Hwang, J.H.Yang, E.J.Paek, "Device Applications of Metal/PVDF-trFE/Graphene Stack," Int. Symp. on Integ. Ferroelectrics (ISIF), (2012), Invited.

국제 20 B.H.Lee, H.J.Hwang, E.J. Paek, Y.G.Lee, C.G.Kang, S.K.Lee, C.Cho, “Applications of Metal/PVDF-trFE/Graphene Devices for Future Electronics," Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics, (2011), Best Poster Paper Award.

국제 19 C.G. Kang, Y.G. Lee, S.K. Lee, E. Park, C.H. Cho, S.K. Lim, H.J. Hwang, B.H. Lee, "Enhancement of electron conduction and reduction of hysteresis for graphene FET by low temperature ALD Al2O3 Passivation", IEEE SISC, (2011).

국제 18 E.J. Paek, H.J. Hwang, J.H. Yang, B.H. Lee, "Novel Pressure Sensitive Touch Sensor using Metal/Piezoelectric/Graphene stack", 2011 GIST/NAIST/NCTU Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials (GNN), (2011)

국제 17 C. Cho, S.K. Lim, C.G. Kang, Y.G. Lee, H.J. Hwang, E.J. Park, and B.H. Lee, “Electrical Characteristics of Back Gated FET on a Wrinkle Free Graphene Channel,” Ext. Abs. of Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), p.38, (2011).

국제 16 E.J Paek, H.J. Hwang, S.K. Lee, C.G. Kang, C.H. Cho, Y.G. Lee, S.K. Lim, and B.H. Lee, “Touch Pressure Sensor using Metal/PVDF-TrFE/Graphene Device,” Ext. Abs. of Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), p.1331, (2011).

국제 15 B.H.Lee, Y.G.Lee, C.G. Kang, H.J.Hwang, Y.H. Kim, J.J. Kim, U.J. Jung, “Electrical Characterization Methods for graphene MOSFET,” Workshop on Nano and Giga Challenges, Moscow, (2011), Invited.

국제 14 H.J.Hwang, E.J. Paek, H.J.Chung, Sunae Seo, B.H.Lee, "Modulation of Graphene Conductance using Ferroelectric polarization," Nano Korea, (2011), Research Innovation Award.

국제 13 C.Cho, C.G.Kang, Y.G.Lee, H.J.Hwang, S.K.Lee, S.K. Lim, S.Y.Lee, H.Hwang, B.H.Lee, " Electrical Characteristics of Top Gate Graphene FETs on Laser Graphitized 4H-SiC," Silicon Nanoworkshop (SNW), (2011).

국제 12 C.G.Kang, S.K.Lee, Y.G.Lee, H.J.Hwang, C.H.Cho, J.S.Heo, H.J.Chung, H.J.Yang, S.E.Seo, B.H.Lee, "Variability and Feasibility of CVD Graphene Interconnect", Proc. of VLSI-TSA, (2011).

국내 11 Y.G. Lee, C.G. Kang, U.J. Jung, J.J. Kim, H.J. Hwang, H.J. Chung, H. Yang, S. Seo and B.H. Lee "Short Pulse Characterization of Hysteric Characteristics of Graphene Field Effect Transistor", 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2011).

국내 10 S.K. Lee, H.J. Hwang, Y.G. Lee, J.J. Kim, C.G. Kang, C.Y. Kang and B.H. Lee, "Reduction of Unwanted External Noises of Low Frequency Noise (1/f noise) Measurement", 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2011).

국내 9 C.G. Kang, Y.G. Lee, S.K. Lee, H.J. Hwang, C.H. Cho, S.K. Lim, S.Y. Lee, E.J. Park, J. Heo, H.J. Chung, H. Yang, S. Seo and B.H. Lee, "Passivation effects of low temperature ALD Al2O3 gate dielectric for graphene FET", 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2011).

국내 8 H.J.Hwang, C.H.Cho, C.G.Kang, S.K.Lim, S.Y.Lee, E.J.Paek, H.Hwang, B.H.Lee, "Top Gate Graphene Field Effect Transistor on MLG/4H-SiC Substrates," 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2011).

국제 7 Y.G. Lee, C.G. Kang, S.K. Lee, K.J. Choi, C.H. Cho, H.J. Hwang, S.Y. Lee, S.K. Lim, U.J. Jung, and B.H. Lee, "Characteristics of Very Low Temperature ALD Al2O3 Gate Dielectric for Top Gate Graphene MOSFET Applications", Ext. Abs. of Int. Workshop on Dielectric Thin Film (IWDTF), p.21, (2011).

국제 6 S.K. Lim, C.H.Cho, S.Y. Lee, H.J.Hwang, C.G. Kang, Y.G. Lee, J. Ahn, and B.H. Lee,"Study of the graphene transfer from graphitized SiC substrate", Ext. Abs. of SSDM, pp.591, (2010).

국제 5 B.H. Lee, H.J. Hwang, Y.G. Lee, U.J. Jung, "Feasibility of Mechanical Switch Device using a Graphite Electrode", IMRS, Cancun, (2010), Invited.

국제 4 B.H. Lee, C.H. Cho, S.K. Lim, S.Y. Lee, H.J. Hwang, Y.G. Lee, U.J. Jung, C.G. Kang, "Feasibility of Wrinkle Free Graphene Process", Abs. of American Vac. Soc. Symposium, Albuquerque, p.61, (2010), Invited

국내 3 C.H.Cho, S.H.,Kim, S.K.Lim, S.Y.Lee, H.J.Hwang, H.Hwang, B.H.Lee, "Carbon condensation and Germanium sublimation in GeC films by pulse laser annealing", 17th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2010).

국내 2 H.J.Hwang, S.K.Lim, S.Y.Lee, C.H.Cho, B.H.Lee, "Simplified analytic model for the scaling limit of nano electro mechanical switch devices", 17th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), (2010).

국제 1 B.H.Lee, C.H.Cho, H.J.Hwang, S.K. Lim, S.Y. Lee, H.Hwang, "NEMS-CMOS hybrid technology and its applications", NANO Korea, (2009),  Invited.


국제 8 이병훈, 장경은, 유태진, 황현준,"이득조절이 가능한 그래핀-반도체 쇼트키접한 광전소자 Gate tunable graphene/Si Schottky junction photodetector" 해외출원번호, US 15/440922, 2017.

국내 7 이병훈, 장경은,  유태진, 황현준,"이득조절이 가능한 그래핀-반도체 쇼트키접한 광전소자 Gate tunable graphene/Si Schottky junction photodetector" 국내출원번호, 10-2016-0024910 (2016.03.02), 2016., 등록번호 10-1938934 (2019-01-09)  [사사: 글로벌프론티어]

국제 6 Byoung Hun Lee, Hyeon Jun Hwang, Yun Ji Kim, " Graphene multi-valued logic device, operation method thereof, and fabrication method thereof ", 해외 출원 번호 : 14/136493 (해외출원) (사사: 미래융합파이오니어, 글로벌 프론티어)

국내 5 Byoung Hun Lee, Hyeon Jun Hwang, Yun Ji Kim, " 그래핀 다치 로직 소자, 이의 동작방법 및 이의 제조방법 ", 국내출원번호 2012-0150200, 국내 등록 번호 1423925, Dec. 2012 (국내출원) (사사: 미래융합파이오니어, 글로벌 프론티어)

국제 4 Hyeon Jun Hwang and Byoung Hun Lee, " 그래핀을 이용한 메모리 소자 및 이의 제조 방법," 출원번호 PCT/KR2012/005186, June, 2012 (해외출원)

국내 3 Hyeon Jun Hwang and Byoung Hun Lee, " 그래핀을 이용한 메모리소자 및 이의 제조방법," 출원번호 2012-0071127, June, 2012 (국내출원)

국내 2 Byoung Hun Lee, Hyeon Jun Hwang, , "강유전체를 이용한 그래핀 PN 접합소자 및 이의 제조방법," 출원번호 10-2011-0065159.

국내 1 Byoung Hun Lee, Eun Jeong Paek, Hyeon Jun Hwang, Chun Hum Cho, "압전효과를 이용한 그래핀 터치센서," 출원번호 10-2011-0030182, 2011.

Other Expertise


University of Texas at Dallas exchange scholar (2014.01.21~2014.12.21)

Technical Skills

Graphene process (CVD and PECVD graphene growth and GFET integration)

Lithography process (Photomask Aligner and E-beam Lithography)

Metallization (E-beam Evaporation and Sputter)

Annealing process (Vacuum Thermal Annealing, Rapid Thermal Annealing)

Dielectric process (Atomic Layer Deposition, Molecular Layer Deposition)

Suspended graphene process (Critical point dryer)

Reliability test for semiconductor device (P/NBTI, CP and etc.)

Polarity measurement and press sensing (Precision LC, Press sensing equipment)

Analysis tool (SEM, AFM, XRD, FT-IR, Ellipsometer)

Micro-Raman measurement and analysis

Temperature variable electrical characterization (Cryostat)

Course Work


Electronic Properties of Materials

Semiconductor Processing

Solid State Physics

Advanced Electrical Characterization Methods for Nano Scale Devices

Fundamentals of Reliability and defects-basics and selected topics

Post CMOS Hybrid Device Technology

Lithography process

Introduction to Nanofabrication and Nano manufacturing


Thin film technology

Ph. D

Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics

Solid State Electrochemistry

Soft Matter Electrochemistry

Semiconductor Devices on Single Crystalline and Unconventional Substrate