Thickness, Morphology and Mobility: A Study of Hf-based Dielectric Performance
- Conference
- Author
- G.Pant, M.J.Kim,B.E.Gnade, R.M. Wallace, M.Queveo-Lopez, S. Krishnan, P.D.Kirsch, B. H. Lee and R. Jammy
- Year
- 2006
- Date
- 2006
- 학회구분
G.Pant, M.J.Kim,B.E.Gnade, R.M. Wallace, M.Queveo-Lopez, S. Krishnan, P.D.Kirsch, B. H. Lee and R. Jammy, “Thickness, Morphology and Mobility: A Study of Hf-based Dielectric Performance”, ISAGST, (2006).