Characterization of Hf-based Dielectric Thin Films via Synchrotron Radiation and Spallation Neutron Sources
- Conference
- Author
- P. S. Lysaght, J. C. Woicik, D. A. Fischer, M. A. Sahiner, M. Hartl, R. Hjelm, S. C. Song, B. H. Lee and R. Jammy
- Year
- 2006
- Date
- 2006
- 학회구분
P. S. Lysaght, J. C. Woicik, D. A. Fischer, M. A. Sahiner, M. Hartl, R. Hjelm, S. C. Song, B. H. Lee and R. Jammy, “Characterization of Hf-based Dielectric Thin Films via Synchrotron Radiation and Spallation Neutron Sources”, ISAGST, (2006).